Step 1 - Request

Send your request by email to:
or use the contact form.

We need information as: 

  • Name
  • Email
  • Mobile phone
  • Rental dates
  • Total of person's including adults/children (age of children)

You will receive an answer by e-mail within 24 hours.

Step 2 - Deposit/reservation

You make a reservation for the apartment through paying 50 % of the total rental amount.
You pay by bank transfer.
You send us an e-mail and inform that you have made the deposit and include following: 

  • Name and mobilenr to the contact person responsible for the rental. 

When the amount is on our bank account we confirm by e-mail your reservation for the requested rental dates.
Remember to write name and rental date when you make the payment. 

Step 3 - Confirmation/cancellation policy

You will receive a written confirmation by e-mail. 

Cancellation policy:

  • From date of confirmation to 08 weeks before arrival - 50 % of the total rental amount.
  • From 08 weeks before arrival – no refund.


Step 4 - Final payment

Final settlement shall be on our account not later than 8 weeks before arrival. 

Check in/check out
Check-in at 14.00 or the time that we agree on
Check-out at 10.00 or the time that we agree on 

 Late check-in
Price EUR 20 for late check-in between 19.00-22.00
Price EUR 40 for late check-in between 22.00-24.00

Late check-out
Not possible for late check-out if new clients arrive same day
Price EUR 20 for late check-out between 19.00-22.00

We take a deposit of EUR 300 when you check in at the apartment (cash only). We return the deposit when you leave the apartment after the final
inspection. There is an inventory list of all the decoration and furnishing in the apartment. When you check out from the apartment Blanca need about 30 minutes to see whether everything is in order and that nothing is missing. All reasonable damages must be paid at check-out. Would you rearrange furniture you must reset everything before you leave the apartment. Final cleaning is included but if the apartment is unusually untidy, it will be an extra charge of EUR 90.

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